Meet the Governors

  • Kelly Brackley

    Parent Governor

    I have been a parent governor since October 2021. I volunteered my services as a mum of two young children and one who attends the school. I wanted to give something back, whilst I could. I run a US immigration law business after spending many years in Chicago working as an immigration lawyer. I felt my professional skills and experience as a business owner could be valuable to the governing board.

    In my spare time I enjoy running and yoga, as well as spending time with my family and friends.

  • Amy Chambers

    Co-opted Governor

  • Kelly Crowther-Riley

    Parent Governor

  • Jacqueline Gutierrez

    Co-opted Governor

    I have been a Hemingbrough school parent for just over 4 years, my son is lucky enough to be on his school journey here at Hemingbrough.

    As a finance manager with many years experience, I look forward to bringing another perspective to the Governing Body, I am keen to help make a positive difference and to be able to give something back to the school and community.

  • Elizabeth Powell

    Staff Governor

  • Stephen Sedman

    Co-opted Governor

  • Helen Taylor

    Assistant Headteacher - Associate Governor